mission faq

When and where are we going?  We are going to Mexico June 9th-15th for our house-building ministry with opportunities to serve at the local women's shelter. All aspects of our trip are in partnership with Youth with a Mission (YWAM).  The team flies into San Diego and then drives 6 hours to Vicente Guerrero!

Accommodations, Food, Transportation Logistics: The team will fly down to San Diego. In San Diego we are met by our YWAM team. Together with YWAM we drive from San Diego to the YWAM base in Vicente Guererro – about 6 hours. The YWAM base is a large facility with a dorm configuration. 2-6 will sleep in each dorm – bunk beds. The dorms have electricity and power for your phone. We will have all our meals at the YWAM base – complimented with extra taco runs, ice cream runs, etc. The base has a shared bathroom and shower facility for the team. Each day will start with team devotions and breakfast. From there we load into vans and some will go to the women’s shelter and some to the house build. You will work a full day! The two teams will connect for lunch and dinner back at the base. We do evening outreach in the community and have opportunities for additional outreach during the day. No skills are needed for either trip. Both trips require flexibility and full days of service. At the end of the week we will drive back to San Diego and fly home!

How much does it cost?  Core fee: $400. This will cover (1) dorm, (2) most of your meals, (3) travel from San Diego to Vicente Guererro . In addition, you will have to pay for your airfare to and from San Diego. That will run about $250. Expect that the total cost will be around $725 when you factor in travel insurance, gifts, etc.

When is money due and how do I submit it?  The trip application, consent forms/waivers, and a deposit of $200 per person are due by February 4th. The remaining room and board fees are due by April 7th. All the forms and payment are available online for convenience and no contact registration. If you would like to write a check, please make payable to NLCF and write “Mexico Missions” in the memo line. Please mail or drop your check off to the New Life mailbox. You will buy airline tickets when prices are the lowest during the spring. 

What happens if more people want to go than we have space for?  Positions on the team are filled in the order in which applications with deposit payments are received. We keep a waiting list of those that want to go on the trip. 

What if something happens and I can't go after I have paid?  We can accept changes up to April 7th, YWAM states there are no refunds available after April 9th

Can my kids go?  Yes, children can go. Minimum age is 10 years old and must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.  

What if I don’t speak Spanish?  No problem. Your actions of love and kindness will overcome that barrier.

Is it safe to go to Mexico?  Groups have been serving here for 25+ years without any safety issues. 

Is it safe to eat the food and drink the water? The YWAM facility has filtered water. Bring a water bottle to refill each day. Our meals are prepared for us by the staff working at the facility and are completely safe.

Do I need a passport? Yes, all team members must have a valid passport in order to travel into Mexico.  

Who do I contact for more information?  Please contact Jim Thornton at clownboy4me@gmail.com