service Times

Join us every Sunday at 10 am

In person or online.

Kids programming is available for infants through 6th grade.

new life exists

to Connect People to the Life and Love of Jesus by loving others the way Jesus loves us all.

where to find us

Our main entrance and parking lot are at 1315 Rand Street in Petaluma, CA.

Watch past Teachings or join our livestream each week.

upcoming events

  • current message series

    Building off our last series, the Divine Sandwich, we begin The Secret Sauce Sunday Sept. 8. What's it really about? What if the secret sauce isn't as much about pleasing God as it is about accepting His invitation to partner with Him?

  • financial workshop

    Reserve your spot today for this informative financial workshop to create or set up your Ideal Life on Sept. 29. There are 35 spots available at $27/person or $77/family, including lunch. The workshop will be run by Jason Lam, a Financial and Career Coach and former New Lifer who has helped hundreds of people define and start living their Ideal Lives through his Coaching, Podcast, YouTube channel, Workshops, Blog, and Online Courses. Click the button below for more information or to sign up.

  • made to sparkle women's conference

    We are excited to announce this special women's event! Join us for an all day conference where women will connect, laugh and be inspired with guest speaker Amberly Neese. For complete details and to register, please click the button below. 


Below you can submit a prayer request or connect with us to learn more about New Life. 

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